El Paso and Fort Bliss

El Paso and Fort Bliss

We recently drove to El Paso and stayed a few days at the Fort Bliss RV Campground.  It was right next to the highway, so you did get the noise when sitting outside but the cost was only $114 for the week.  We did have a few days of rain and were able to go to the largest exchange we have seen, it was set up like an outside shopping mall with different companies along with main exchange.  We did drive around the city and check out some of the mountains nearby.  Unfortunately, the tram was closed for repairs, so we will have to hit that the next time we come through the area.

One of the neat things I got to do was to go to the 1st Armored Division Museum.  My Dad served in the 1st AD for a while at the end of WWII.

This is the light tank that my Dad drove at the end of WWII in Germany. It only has a light gun so it was no match for the heavy tanks, it was used to scout and support infantry.

Here is my Dad in front of his tank.
Dad at the end of the war.

After our stay we headed to Arizona to spend the next three week before we get to California.  Next up is Catalina State Park.

3 thoughts on “El Paso and Fort Bliss

  1. Looks like you had a good time. We have a tram in Palm Springs that goes to the mountain top. I have never gone and I don’t intend to. Got to the station, looked to the tram and said you go ahead, I’ll wait here. No one went. It might be something you would enjoy. We have lots of snow, big storms this weekend but it should be gone by the time you get here. L&Ps Mom

  2. Can’t figure out what I did buy commented in the wrong spot. Glad you enjoyed your trip to El Passo.. L&Ps Mom

  3. Neat to see the pictures of your dad. I can see Jonathan in him. Glad you are having a nice time. Take care and travel safely.
    Love to the both of you,

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