Harrisonburg, VA, Part 2

Harrisonburg, VA, Part 2

Ok, on to part two.  We did make a quick speed run to Chesapeake, VA to catch up with some of our Pittsburgh friends, Tom and Diane.  Their Daughter, Kristen lives in Chesapeake and we got to see her and Mike on our way south about a year ago.  They recently had a baby girl Ella, and since here parents were visiting, it was a perfect time to drop in for a night.

Did not get to many pictures, we were too busy getting caught up but I did get a quick one of Tom as we were leaving.

Now onto one of the real reason for our long stay was to do a little work on Erin & Alex’s house.  It was built in 1908 and is in downtown Harrisonburg.  We were able to help get some of the minor projects she wanted help on, but also got time to just visit with them and explore some of the downtown area.  I really got to understand why she likes Harrisonburg, it is a lovely town, great food and very nice people.  I have really enjoyed the time here and look forward to the next visit, when we may tackle another project or two….

We cut down the overgrown bushes on the sides, trimmed up the tree, put in front planting beds and planted a few bushes and flowers. We ordered a new white front craftsman style door that should get installed right after we head south.

new light fixture and yes, I did plaster up the outlet cover where they decided to cut a square hole for a round electrical outlet…
Layla and Phoebe making themselves at home…

Erin hard at work…

Added some plywood to cover the cracked and stained plaster walls in the hall built in closet.
Took doors off, put pressure treated wood bottoms in and new top on workbench
Indiana Jones helping cathy with a puzzle…

So we plan to finish a few things like patching up some of the basement walls, but we have run out of time for this trip.  The leaves are rapidly turning, and the forcast is for nighttimes in the teens this weekend, so time to load up and move a few hundred miles south to Lake Norman, NC to get in a few more visits before a quick stop in southern NC before ending up in sunny Jacksonville by the 20th!  We will be in Jacksonville for a month and I will do a post soon on both our 1 year RV Anniversary, and one to discuss our 2018 Plans.

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