Texas Thanksgiving & Electronics Upgrade

Texas Thanksgiving & Electronics Upgrade

So here is our spot at Lazy L & L Campground in New Braunfels, Texas.  We are here for the month of November to see our friends from Virginia, Jack and Alicia.  It is also time to restock supplies since we have a shipping address for the next month and getting a few things done around the old RV…

First up was fixing the fender on the Jeep and putting on a new fender and liner…

After living in the RV for the past two years and finding out some details on the how to online, I figured I would upgrade our satellite system.  While it worked just fine, one annoying thing kept cropping up.  Seems a lot of programs like to run a minute or two over the hour, which I think they do on purpose to confuse the DVR’s used to record shows for later playback, as people will fast forward through the commercials.  This overlap is frustrating when you want to start to record something else. Our Dish hopper 2 could record three shows at once, but that got reduced to two shows with this overlap needing to run over on say one channel.  Dish recently introduced a new Hopper 3 that had 16 tuners, so no more worries about shows running over on a channel, no more conflicts…

So I ordered the Hopper 3 and a bunch of other parts I needed to convert my system over, most of the work was done inside the coach, but I did have to climb on the roof to remove a switch and rewire the cables on the roof to the satellite dish.  After a few hours I was able to light everything off without a hitch.  I was able to backup my old Hopper 2 to a hard drive and reload it on the new Hopper 3, so all recording were saved during the upgrade.

We did get to see friends and have some fun.  On Veterans Day, we went to Garrison Brothers Distillery which was having a fundraiser with The War of the Pacific Museum which had some military equipment on display,  Fun day with jack and Alicia…

Cathy got into the holiday mood decorating the RV and baking stuff not on our low carb diet….

We spent Thanksgiving with Jack and Alicia, and the Girls were on Squirrel patrol…

My mom’s cousin, Hansell knitted these wonderful sweaters for the girls, she is so talented…

We are winding up our visit here and are looking forward to our next stay on the beach in the Gulf of Mexico near Corpus Christi…

That’s about it for now, and who doesn’t want to spend Christmas at the beach….


One thought on “Texas Thanksgiving & Electronics Upgrade

  1. Beach time sounds great little snow here no big deal. You guys are regular vacation nomads have a great time love the updates

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